Top Dishes from far Eastern kitchen

Japanese cuisine is much appreciated all around the world, check out some typical local dishes.

The Japanese cuisine was formed due to geographic influence of the country. For a long time, food was scarce, composed of four large islands and many smaller ones. These factors contributed directly to a cooking based on fish and seafood. Also animals such as deer and wild boar.

Japanese dishes are increasingly in evidence in Brazil, there are fans and lovers of Japanese cuisine. Meet some Japanese dishes.

Kare rice


The name is an association with the English name “curry rice” which well defines the dish consisting of rice with curry. They are also added ingredients such as potatoes, carrots, onions and meat (beef, chicken or pork).



Ramen or Lamen came the reality of China, called second stories “liao-men” (liao macaroni) and Japanese pronunciation turned into ramen or ramen. Became popular in Japan and today is a typical dish in the country. The noodles is a “variant” far removed from the dish, tell the way.True or ramen Ramen is served with a variety of types of soup, ranging from fish sauce to butter or pork. Served with a special pasta with herbs and vegetables.



Basically meat with onions on a bowl of rice, cooked in a lightly sweet and sour sauce. It is a very popular dish in Japan.



It consists of thin slices of beef, cooked in butter, accompanied by various ingredients like onions, udon (a Japanese noodle), chard, sake, shimeji, among others.



thin slices of raw meat, usually fish. It can be served with wasabi, seaweed and soy sauce.



A sweet composed of flour, rice and beans. It can be very varied, there are for example manju manju of green tea and water. Moreover, there are regional differences and mass fillings.

Moti or Mochi


It is a sweet rice, but made with a special rice, motigome. It is a common good food at supper Japanese New Year, for example.



It originates in Chinese cuisine, but has spread to Japanese cuisine. It consists of a filling of ground meat and / or vegetables in a thin dough casing that is sealed with pressure on its ends, it is then baked or fried. They are consumed with a soy-based sauce.



Classic Japanese cuisine. It consists of fried vegetable pieces or seafood wrapped in a thin batter, it is a fried dish.