How to Leverage Life

Develop an interest in music.
 Listening to music excites the imagination and sense of self – identity, self-esteem increases and decreases the feeling of loneliness. Listening to music gives a feeling of strength. Give the play to your favorite CD – or that CD you want to hear for months – increase the volume and end the distractions so you can really experience the wonders of music.

  • In some cases, it has been proven that music helps people cope with dementia, giving them a sense of empowerment. Furthermore, music therapy is useful for people suffering from depression and anxiety.

Start the day with a smile.

People often say that facial expression is considered the window to the soul. Moreover, it is believed that his facial expression caninfluence their own mood. So, remember to smile freely and ensure your good mood.If you want, you can even smile at yourself in the mirror so wake up – your smile may be enough to keep a good mood throughout the day.

Take a break.

A decent break does not mean be watching television or surfing the internet. It means taking the time to do something special. As a thank for yourself, take a break or change your routine – even if it means having a picnic in your backyard or ride little huts with their children in the room. Pausing that is different from your routine can do wonders for your sense of fun, escape and achievement